
Impleum Weekly Digest #2 January 19–31, 2019

January 21 Impleum has been listed on — a calendar of events cryptocurrency. Accounting investments, forecasts. Now you can follow future events and analyze past Impleum events on:   Article about Impleum Sidechains The Impleum Full Node will support sidechains. This is achieved using a Two-Way Federated Peg solution. This means that IMPL can be […]


Impleum listed #SWFTBlockchain

Follow the link and follow us here: SWFT is a cross-blockchain platform. On the APP, the website, or the API, users can transfer cryptocurrency with one click. Built by world experts in artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain, SWFT became an outstanding transfer platform. Its success emerges as a result of efficiently hedging risks […]


Impleum Sidechains

The Impleum Full Node will support sidechains. This is achieved using a Two-Way Federated Peg solution. This means that IMPL can be passed to and from the sidechain and the gateway through which they pass is controlled by a federation. The federation consists of 3 or more members who have control of the sidechain. The […]


Impleum Weekly Digest #1 January 11-18, 2019

January 11 Milestone achieved! Impleum Blockchain has just reached a block of 400,000. Block #400,000 was generated on January 11, 2019. Impleum is over ten months old and growing strong! We are purposeful, focused on the community and we grow. See the Block Explorer here: January 14 The Privacy Wallet is Decentralizing MasterNode client with […]


Inflation rate

IMPL coins are issued at a rate of 5 coins per Block — every 60 seconds, the more an individual stakes Impleum, the more IMPL coins is giving out as a reward. An incentive for users to contribute towards making a more secure POS-based network by staking their coins. Many of you, eager to start staking your […]